Trainer & Jockey Combinations (Phillip Stokes) - Wizard Ratings Results

Wizard Daily Report and Research Sunday, 21 April 2024.

  • Trainer & Jockey Combinations - (Phillip Stokes)
  • Wizard Ratings Results for Saturday, April 20

Trainer & Jockey Combinations - (Phillip Stokes)

This table examines the trainer-jockey combinations under three conditions:

  • When the horse is the Wrat 100 pointer and started at odds between $2.00 and $5.90
  • When the horse runs as the race favourite at odds between $2.00 and $5.90
  • When the horse starts at odds between $2.00 and $5.90
From 01/08/2022 To 20/04/2024 100    fav    2-5.9  
P Stokes withwin%1st2nd3rdunpwin%1st2nd3rdunpwin%1st2nd3rdunp
Brian Higgins75.00%300160.00%310162.50%5102
Caitlin Jones40.00%210260.00%310136.40%4304
Damian Lane-----100.00%100066.70%2100
Daniel Moor10.00%102714.30%112316.70%55317
Daniel Stackhouse55.60%501342.90%301332.30%104611
Ellis Wong50.00%10010.00%000175.00%3001
Emily Finnegan-----0.00%000350.00%3003
Gary Lo37.50%310436.40%430429.40%5318
Hannah Edgley----------100.00%1000
Jake Toeroek100.00%100050.00%101050.00%2011
Jamie Kah33.30%100250.00%310227.30%3314
Jamie Mott0.00%01010.00%010128.60%2104
Jye McNeil0.00%0100-----20.00%1121
Kayla Crowther26.10%644938.90%14331627.00%20111132
Lachlan Neindorf25.00%101236.40%432221.70%5639
Luke Nolen0.00%00010.00%010250.00%2002
Madison Lloyd50.00%210150.00%110060.00%3101
Michael Poy25.00%110225.00%110237.50%3104
Paul Gatt100.00%1000-----100.00%1000
Rochelle Milnes0.00%00020.00%000225.00%1003
Sheridan Clarke11.10%122428.60%221224.00%62413
Sheriden Tomlinson50.00%200250.00%200242.90%3004
Stacey Callow50.00%10100.00%001020.00%1121
Thomas Stockdale25.00%110225.00%111112.50%1223
Todd Pannell0.00%0002100.00%100025.00%2123
Zac Spain41.70%1084245.90%1774931.80%2720830

The statistics cover the stable's runners throughout Australia. 

The period covered is from 1 August 2022, so last season and the current season. (Older results for trainer-jockey combinations not really relevant.)


Wizard Ratings Report for the meetings on Saturday, April 20

The following table shows the where the winner of each race run yesterday was rated by Wrat, Wmod, Whcp, and Wexpk. The Wrat analysis applies to both Wizard and Wizard Plus. The Wmod, Whcp, and Wexpk analysis applies to the ratings included in the Wizard Plus 'Plus Panel'.


Sat 20.04.24 Race 1Race 2Race 3Race 4Race 5Race 6Race 7Race 8Race 9Race 10meeting
 SOTwmhewmhewmhewmhewmhewmhewmhewmhewmhewmhew  m  h  e
ASCOTg4- - 3. -1 1 3. -3 - 3 12 2 1 3- - 2. 11 1 3. 2.1 1 2. -3 3. - -- 2 - -2 1 - -3  4  1  2
DALBYg4h9- 3 2 1- - - 1- - - -- 1 - 2.      0  1  0  2
EAGLE FARMg4s61 3 1 1- 2 - -- 3. 3 3.3 - 2. -- - - -3 1 - -- 2 - -- - - -3 - 2 - 1  1  1  1
GOLD COAST POLYaw3 2 1 1- - - -2 1 2 1.2 - 1 3.1 3 2 -- - 3. -- - - -3 - 1 1  1  1  3  3.
HORSHAMg43 1 1 21 2 2 1.- - - -- 3 - 2- - - -2 1 - -- - - -1 3 1 -  2  2  2  1.
KEMBLA GRANGEs52 - 1 22 1 1 22 2 1 3- 3 - 3- - - -- - 3. -- - - -- - - -  0  1  3  0
MORNINGTONs5s1 2 2 12 2 1 3- - 3. 3.1 2. 2 3.1 1 1 2.- - - -1 1 - -- - - 11 2 1 2.1 - 2 -6  2  3  2
MORPHETTVILLE PARKSs5g4- - - 3- - - -- - - 2.1 3 - -- 3 1. 2.- - - 21 2 2. 32 3 1 1- - 2 1.1 1 2. -3  1  2.   2.
PIONEER PARKg- - 3 2- 2 2 1- - 3. -2 2 3 3.- - - 2- - - -    0  0  0  1
RANDWICKs5h10- - - -1 1 3 -- - 3 -2 1 - 1.- - 2 -- - - -3 2 2 -- - - -  1  2  0  1.
TAREEh8h93 3. 3 11 3. 1 33 2 - 23 - 2. -- - - 3.- - - 3.    1  0  1  1
WARRENg3- - - 3.1 1 1. 21 1 1 32 3. 3. -2 2 - -1 1. 1. 1    3  3.  3.  1

Header: w m h e =  Wrat (w), Wmod (m), Whcp (h), Wexpk (e)

For a full explanation of the table click: How to read the Wizard Ratings Results

Warren - Wiz-Ed

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