Trainer & Jockey combinations (Queensland) - Wizard Ratings Results

Wizard Daily Report and Research - Monday, 10 June 2024.

  • Wizard Ratings Results for week ending June 9
  • Jockey & Trainer combinations (Angela Jones)
  • Trainer & Jockey combinations (Tony and Maddy Sears) 


Wizard Ratings Report week ending Sunday, June 9

Overall, the result last week for the top rated Wrat was 23.5% (79 winners from 338 races.) 

The result last week for the top-two rated Wrat was 39.0% (131 winners from 338 races.) 

From Monday to Sunday the daily/week results were:

Wrat top rated   3.0%22.5%23.0%22.0%31.5%22.5%31.5%23.5%
Wrat top-two rated 28.0%35.5%41.0%31.5%47.0%35.5%48.5%39.0%


A few of the more notable double-figure rated winners last week were:

CourseDateRaceTabHorseTAB WinRating
RANDWICK8/06/2024910Mnementh21.40WRat-2 & WHcp
IPSWICH7/06/202465Sly Corner13.80WRat-1 & WHcp
CourseDateRaceTabHorseTAB WinRating
BENDIGO4/06/2024210My Heart24.20WHcp
RANDWICK8/06/2024910Mnementh21.40WHcp & WRat-2
IPSWICH7/06/202465Sly Corner13.80WHcp & WRat-1
CourseDateRaceTabHorseTAB WinRating
PORT AUGUSTA9/06/202422Oli Alpine163.10WExpk
MACKAY6/06/2024712Ruby Sparkles15.70WExpk
MOE3/06/202473Burton Street18.60WExpk
BENDIGO4/06/202466Impending Diamond15.10WExpk
RANDWICK8/06/2024112War Eternal13.40WExpk
TOOWOOMBA8/06/202442The Deputy14.10WExpk


The Wizard Plus Expected Peak rating continues to find top-rated winners at longer odds. The highlight this week was the win of Oli Alpine who returned $163.10 on the NSW Tab, around 125/1 with corporates, and $101.00 official SP. Recently there have been Wizard Plus Wexpk winners at better than 33/1, Turnaquid at 74/1, and in April there was Peppino at 100/1. Predicting this type of top-rated winner is unique to the Wizard Plus Expected Peak (Wexpk) assessment.

The following table shows where the winner of each race run yesterday was rated by Wrat, Wmod, Whcp, and Wexpk. The Wrat analysis applies to both Wizard and Wizard Plus. The Wmod, Whcp, and Wexpk analysis applies to the ratings included in the Wizard Plus 'Plus Panel'. (Note: The Wrat winners include the top rated and second top-rated winners.)


Sun 09.06.24 Race 1Race 2Race 3Race 4Race 5Race 6Race 7Race 8Race 9Race 10Top ratedTop 2 rated
 SOTw m h ew m h ew m h ew m h ew m h ew m h ew m h ew m h ew m h ew m h ew m h ew m h e
EDENHOPEs5g41 1 1 21 1 - 32 3 2 1.1 1 3 -- 3. - 33 - 1 12 1 3. -- - - -  3  4  2  2.5  4  3  3.
HOBARTs5- - - 1- - - -- - - 2- - - -- - 2. 11 1 3. -1 1 - -1 1 1. 3.- - 3. 3.- - 3. -3  3  1.  23  3  2.  3
KALGOORLIEs71 1 1 2- - - -2 2 2 -3 - 1 3.1 2 2. -- - - -2 - 1 2   2  1  3  04  3  5.  2
PORT AUGUSTAg3 - - -- - - 11 1 3 -- - 2. -2 1 1 2- - - -1 1 3 2   2  3  1  13  3  2.  3
ROEBOURNEg1 1 1 13 3 2. 1.- - - -1 3 1. 31 1 - 12 2 1. 1    3  2  3.   4.4  3  4.   4.
SAPPHIRE COASTh101 1 2 -2 1 1 12 2 2 11 1 1 1- 3 - -2 - 1 3- - - 1   2  3  3  45  4  5  4
SUNSHINE COASTs61 1 1 3.- - 3. -2 1 - 1- - - -- - - -- - 2 31 2 1 21 2 - -  3  2  2  14  4  3  2
SWAN HILLg4g2 1 - 31 1 2 2- - 2 -3 3 3 -- - - 3.2 2 1 31 1 2 1.3 - 2. -- - - - 2  3  1  1.4  4  5.   2.
TAREEh10h8- - - -1 1 2 1- - - -1 - 1 1- - - 2.- - - -- - - 3- - - -  2  1  1  22  1  2  3.
            w  22  70w  34  70

Header: w m h e =  Wrat (w), Wmod (m), Whcp (h), Wexpk (e)

For a full explanation of the table click: How to read the Wizard Ratings Results


Jockey & Trainer combinations (Angela Jones)

This table examines the jockey-trainer combinations under three conditions:

  • When the horse is the Wrat 100 pointer and started at odds between $2.00 and $5.90
  • When the horse runs as the race favourite at odds between $2.00 and $5.90
  • When the horse starts at odds between $2.00 and $5.90


From 01/08/2022 To 09/06/2024 100    fav    2.0-5.9  
Angela Jones withwin%1st2nd3rdunpwin%1st2nd3rdunpwin%1st2nd3rdunp
M A Currie50.0%201160.0%302027.8%5058
R L Heathcote100.0%100060.0%301150.0%5212
T J Gollan25.9%151292229.1%231573426.8%42262069
Tony & Maddy Sears20.0%121140.0%432123.8%5556
Annabel Neasham100.0%1000100.0%1000100.0%1000
B J Dais-----100.0%1000100.0%2000
Billy Healey50.0%10010.0%001016.7%1122
C H Richardson100.0%1000-----100.0%1000
Chris Anderson100.0%1000100.0%100050.0%1010
Cody Morgan-----100.0%100050.0%1100
D J Bougoure0.0%0001-----50.0%1001
Donald Baker-----100.0%1000100.0%1000
Jack Bruce50.0%110033.3%110133.3%2112
Jennifer Fraser----------100.0%1000
K A Lees-----0.0%010025.0%1111
Kurt Goldman0.0%000150.0%110020.0%1211
L J Hatch0.0%00010.0%000133.3%1002
M A Currie50.0%201160.0%302027.8%5058
P A Nolan----------100.0%1000
R L Heathcote100.0%100060.0%301150.0%5212
T J Gollan25.9%151292229.1%231573426.8%42262069
Tony & Maddy Sears20.0%121140.0%432123.8%5556

The statistics cover the jockey's rides throughout Australia, with combinations that have 5 wins or more highlighted separately as well as being included in the body of the table. Included in the table are only those stables for which the jockey has registered at least one win in the $2.00 - $5.90 odds range during the period covered which is from 1 August 2022, so last season and the current season.


Trainer & Jockey combinations (Tony and Maddy Sears)

This table examines the trainer-jockey combinations under three conditions:

  • When the horse is the Wrat 100 pointer and started at odds between $2.00 and $5.90
  • When the horse runs as the race favourite at odds between $2.00 and $5.90
  • When the horse starts at odds between $2.00 and $5.90


From 01/08/2022 To 09/06/2024 100    fav    2.0-5.9  
Tony & Maddy Sears withwin%1st2nd3rdunpwin%1st2nd3rdunpwin%1st2nd3rdunp
Angela Jones20.0%121140.0%432123.8%5556
Ben E Thompson25.0%323438.5%522439.3%113410
Nozi Tomizawa22.2%223244.4%422125.9%71064
Andrew Mallyon0.0%010040.0%220133.3%2301
Angela Jones20.0%121140.0%432123.8%5556
Anthony Allen----------100.0%1000
Ben E Thompson25.0%323438.5%522439.3%113410
Cejay Graham-----50.0%101042.9%3211
Emily Lang33.3%101175.0%310040.0%4231
Georgina Cartwright33.3%110125.0%101225.0%2105
Jake Molloy25.0%222218.2%231519.0%4638
James McDonald100.0%1000-----100.0%1000
Karl Zechner0.0%0010100.0%200050.0%2110
Leslie Tilley0.0%030050.0%100112.5%1322
Mark Du Plessis-----0.0%000166.7%2001
Melea Castle----------100.0%1000
Micheal Hellyer66.7%210066.7%200133.3%3213
Nozi Tomizawa22.2%223244.4%422125.9%71064
Robbie Dolan0.0%002050.0%101025.0%1021
Ryan Maloney50.0%100140.0%210233.3%3204
Sariah Champkin-----100.0%100025.0%1102
Stephanie Lacy0.0%00010.0%000166.7%2001
Tegan Harrison----------100.0%1000

The statistics cover the stable's runners throughout Australia, with combinations that have 5 wins or more highlighted separately as well as being included in the body of the table. Included in the table are only those jockeys who have ridden at least one winner for the stable in the $2.00 - $5.90 odds range during the period covered which is from 1 August 2022, so last season and the current season.

Warren - Wiz-Ed

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