Location, location, location

Wizard Daily Report and Research - Monday, 13 November 2023.

  • Location change - Not a level playing field.
  • Research - Trainers - Trainers Notebook. NEW

Location change - Not a level playing field.

In our Wizard database we classify the racetracks in Australia on 5 levels:

Level 1 Sydney and Melbourne metropolitan tracks

Level 2 Metropolitan tracks in Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth

Level 3 NSW and Victorian provincial tracks Gosford, Hawkesbury, Ballarat, Mornington etc

Level 4 NSW and Victorian country track and other states provincials, and Tasmania main tracks

Level 5 Country tracks in states other than NSW and Victoria

Picnic meetings and some very out of the way tracks are in a separate category (essentially Level 6).

When this categorisation is taken into account it is possible to see the quality difference between classes run on the various tracks.

A simple example is all age maiden races.

On average, we find that a Sydney and Melbourne metropolitan maiden (Level 1) is one length stronger than the same class of race on a level 2 track. If we say that the Sydney and Melbourne all age maiden is zero, then the average difference looks like this.

Level 1 = zero

Level 2 = 1 length weaker

Level 3 = 1.5 lengths weaker

Level 4 = 3 lengths weaker

Level 5 = 5 lengths weaker

Given this, it would seem reasonable to conclude that stables should be able to improve their maidens prospects if they drop them a level or two. Say, try a city standard maiden at a provincial track. Also, it would seem reasonable to believe that moving a level 3 maiden to a level 2 track could mean a tougher test for the horse, which should be reflected in the results. And this would not only apply to maidens, of course, but to all classes.

A quick look at the top ten stables in Sydney would seem to confirm this hypothesis.

Again using impact values to show relative performance.

          Performance levels at different track locations

LevelTr 1Tr 2Tr 3Tr 4Tr 5Tr 6Tr 7Tr 8Tr 9Tr10
5 = -4nananananananananana
4 = -
3 = -
2 = -
1 =
2 = +
3 = +
4 = +
5 = +4nananananananananana
Tr 1Chris Waller
Tr 2G Waterhouse, A Bott
Tr 3James Cummings
Tr 4C Maher, D Eustace
Tr 5Bjorn Baker
Tr 6Annabel Neasham
Tr 7Joseph Pride
Tr 8M, W, J Hawkes
Tr 9John O'Shea
Tr 10G Ryan, S Alexiou

As can be seen, there is a definite pattern of results.

When a horse is relocated to a lower level track the impact value improves, and when a higher level track is chosen the impact value declines.

So, it does seem worth paying closer attention to these track location changes; but bear in mind that the horses dropping to a lower level track can be poor value, and under the odds bets are not what we are seeking.

Research Trainers - Trainers Notebook. NEW

Today, the Wizard Trainers Notebook examines the top 10 trainers on Victorian metropolitan tracks in the 2022-2023 racing season.

For this notebook presentation I have broken down the overall stats into age groups (2yo, 3yo, 4yo and older) as there can be a difference in how these various age groups are prepared and perform. Also I have limited the analysis to only those runs that were at odds of 10/1 or less, thereby removing the noise created by the longer odds runs which are really of no relevance in this exercise.

The results shown are only those where the trainer had an impact value of 1.3 or better, so a significant performance, and one can say under these conditions the stable has outperformed its expected result.

Note: It is possible to have more than one entry for a single factor. For example, the stable may have outperformed when backing up both within 8-14 days and 30-60 days.

Because the data is drawn from the Wizards national database, the form factors will be the same for trainers when they appear in the top trainer list in more than one state.


                                                                       Wizard - Trainer's Notebook - Top 10 trainers on Victorian metropolitan tracks

 2yo3yo4yo and older
C Maher, D Eustacedays since last run 15-21days since last run 180-365days since last win 8-28
 days since last win 15-21days since last win 8-21Field Strength -5.0 or more
 Field Strength -2.5 to -1dist change: +301 to +500mfinish last start: 2nd or 3rd
 Field Strength +1 to +2.5 previous win margin 3.1L plus
 runs from a spell: 2nd up  
 runs from a spell: 4th up  
 dist change:  -100 to +100m  
P Moody (K Coleman)days since last run 15-21days since last win 22-28days since last win 8-21
 finish last start: 1stField Strength -0.5 to +0.5Field Strength +5.0 and higher
 finish last start: 2nd or 3rdField Strength +3.0 to +4.5finish last start: 1st
 previous beaten margin: 0.1-3.0runs from spell: first race startfinish last start: 2nd or 3rd
 runs from a spell: 2nd updist change: +101 to +300mprevious win margin 3.1-5.0
 dist change: +101 to +300m runs from a spell: 3rd up
   weight change: -3.5 or more
   weight change: +3.0 to +4.5
B, W, JD HayesInsufficient datadays since last run 30-60days since last run 8-14
  days since last win 15-21days since last run22-28
  Field Strength -0.5 to +0.5days since last run 180-365
  Field Strength -4.5 to -3.0days since last win 22-28
  finish last start: 2nd or 3rdfinish last start: 1st
  previous beaten margin: 0.1-3.0previous beaten margin: 0.1-3.0
  runs from a spell: 2nd upruns from a spell: 4th up
  dist change: +101 to +300mruns from a spell: 6th up
   weight change: -3.5 or more
   dist change: -300 to -101m
James Cummingsdays since last win 30-60days since last run 180-365days since last run 180-365
 Field Strength -5.0 or moreprevious win margin 3.1-5.0days since last win 15-28
  dist change: +301 to +500mfinish last start: 1st
   runs from a spell: 3rd up
M Price, M Kent Jnrfinish last start: 2nd or 3rddays since last run 180-365days since last win 8-14
 previous beaten margin: 0.1-3.0days since last win 8-14days since last win 22-28
 runs from a spell: 2nd updays since last win 22-60Field Strength -5.0 or more
 dist change: -100 to +100mField Strength +5.0 or moreField Strength +5.0 or more
  previous beaten margin: 0.1-3.0runs from a spell: 5th up
  weight change: +3.0 to +4.5weight change: -3.5 or more
   weight change: +5.0 or more
   dist change: -300 to -101m
Patrick Payneruns from a spell: 2nd upField Strength -4.5 to -3.0days since last win 8-21
  Field Strength -0.5 to +0.5Field Strength -5.0 or more
  weight change: +3.0 to +4.5finish last start: 1st
  dist change: -300 to -101mprevious win margin 3.1-5.0
  dist change: +301 to +500mruns from a spell: 4th up
   weight change: +3.0 to +4.5
   dist change: -500 to -301m
Michael MoroneyInsufficient datadays since last run 61-365days since last run 15-21
  days since last win 15-21days since last win 15-28
  Field Strength -0.5 to +0.5runs from a spell: 4th up
  previous beaten margin: 0.1-3.0runs from a spell: 5th up
  runs from spell: first race startruns from a spell: 6th up
  runs from a spell: 1st upweight change: +3.0 to +4.5
   dist change: +500 or more
T Busuttin, N Youngdays since last run 15-21days since last run 15-21days since last run 22-28
 runs from a spell: 1st updays since last win 8-21days since last run 180-365
 runs from a spell: 2nd upField Strength -5.0 or moredays since last win 22-28
 weight change: +0.0 to +2.5finish last start: 2nd or 3rdField Strength -5.0 or more
  previous beaten margin: 0.1-3.0Field Strength +1 to +2.5
  dist change:  -100 to +100mfinish last start: 2nd or 3rd
   runs from a spell: 5th up
   runs from a spell: 6th up
   weight change: +5.0 or more
   dist change:  -300 to -101m
Phillip Stokesdays since last run 61-179days since last win 30-60days since last run 1-7
 finish last start: 1stField Strength -5.0 or moredays since last win 15-21
 runs from a spell: 1st upfinish last start: 2nd or 3rdfinish last start: 1st
  runs from a spell: 6th upprevious win margin 3.1-5.0
  weight change: +3.0 to +4.5weight change: +5.0 or more
  dist change: +301 to +500mdist change: +301 to +500m
Gai Waterhouse, A Bottdays since last run 8-14days since last run 22-28days since last run 1-7
 days since last win 8-21runs from a spell: 4th upruns from a spell: 3rd up
 previous win margin 3.1L plusweight change: up 3-4.5Kgdays since last win 8-21
 dist change: +101 to +300mField Strength -0.5 to +0.5Field Strength +5.0 and higher
  previous win margin 3.1-5.0finish last start: 1st
  finish last start: 2nd or 3rdprevious win margin 3.1-5.0
   dist change: +301 to +500m
