Use Wizard to evaluate a meeting in less than 15 minutes and get a 36% strike rate!

Wizard Daily Report Friday, 25 October 2024

  • Use Wizard to evaluate a full meeting in less than 15 minutes and get a 36% strike rate!
  • Daily Wizard Freebie - Wizard Essentials (Wrat4) Report Moonee Valley
  • Wizard Ratings and Raceday Results, Thursday October 24


Use Wizard to evaluate a full meeting in less than 15 minutes and get a 36% strike rate!

Using Wizard Magic it is possible to analyse a full meeting in less than 15 minutes.

In less than 15 minutes you

  • Have accessed ratings for all runners on current form and previous best form
  • Have assessed every runner on positive and negative factors
  • Identified proven trainer specialties
  • Identified horse/trainer switches to previously successful circumstances
  • Monitored key over-night and morning market movements

With this information at your fingertips and by combining elements of Magic you can improve the Wizard ratings annual strike rate from 25-27% to 36% and higher!

Wizard Magic contains six main elements:

MagicEodds% changeRatingsCycleSwitchJT Filt Neg
Out-performersEarly oddsEarly odds changeW - WratF - first-up formSwitch: non-win to winJT - Jockey/Trainer
Non-firmersMorning oddsMin-morning changeM - WModP - 2up+  runs from spellD = DistanceFilter score 7+ Rate 1
Market firmers  H - Whcp T = TrackNo Negatives
   W - Wexpk S = Surface 
     A = Age 


This article concentrates on combining two or three of these elements. (Note: Later articles will deal with other combinations.)

First, combining just two elements: market movement and ratings:

The two elements focused on are:

  • The % odds change: highlighting horses that have firmed overnight or on race-morning
  • Ratings: Specifically, the 1 horse in the W rating column (the Wizard 100 pointer)

o   First, highlight horses that are rated 1 in the W ratings column

o   Next, highlight horses that are 3.0+ in either the %chg1 or %chg2 columns

That's it.  The horses with both columns highlighted are the qualifiers for the meeting.

 The result achieved by combining these two elements since Magic was first released to Wizard subscribers on September 14 is:

Wins 144      Starts 437     Win strike rate 32.9%

This compares to the win strike rate of Wrat 100 alone since September 14:

Wins 482      Starts 1,797  Win strike rate 26.8%

For comparison purposes the win strike rate of Wrat 100 pointer over the past three years is:

Wins 14,488            Starts 55,246           Win strike rate 26.2%

Now, being more selective and combining three elements: market movement, ratings, and form cycle.

The three elements are:

  • The % odds change, highlighting horses that have firmed overnight or on race-morning
  • Ratings Specifically, the 1 horse in the W rating column (the Wizard 100 pointer)
  • Form Cycle P and/or F for horses proven at this stage of a preparation

o   First, highlight horses that are rated 1 in the W ratings column

o   Next, highlight horses that are 3.0+ in either the %chg1 or %chg2 columns

o   Then, highlight any runner tagged P or F in the Cycle column

That's it. The horses with three columns highlighted are the qualifiers for the meeting.

The results achieved by combining these three elements since Magic was first released to Wizard subscribers on September 14 are:

Wins 28        Starts 77       Win strike rate 36.4%

This compares to the win strike rate of Wrat 100 alone since September 14:

Wins 482      Starts 1,797  Win strike rate 26.8%

Again, for comparison purposes the win strike rate of Wrat 100 pointer over the past three years is:

Wins 14,488            Starts 55,246           Win strike rate 26.2%

Bear in mind, that this is only one possible option using Magic. 

There are others to be discussed later that will add to the number of qualifying bets and winners over any time period.

As you can see, it is possible, using Wizard Magic, to comprehensively assess a full meeting in a matter of minutes, not hours, and maximize a win strike rate in the process.

Its Magic !


Daily Wizard Freebie - Wizard Essentials (Wrat4) Report Moonee Valley

Each day The Wizard will publish on this page one of its Wizard reports or special features, either completely or a part thereof. Today the Wizard Freebie is the Wizard Essentials (Wrat4) Report for Moonee Valley. The full and abridged Wizard reports for all meetings for today are available now for subscribers.


Wizard Ratings Results for Thursday, October 24

The following table shows where the winner of each race run yesterday was rated by Wrat, Wmod, Whcp, and Wexpk and was the qualifier in the Wizard Raceday Report. (Note: The Wrat [W] winner results report on both the top rated and top-two rated winners.) The Raceday Report winners under the Top Rated column are from those races where there was only one Raceday qualifier, and under the Top 2 Rated on the rare occasions where there were two qualifiers in a race.

Thu 24.10.24 Race 1Race 2Race 3Race 4Race 5Race 6Race 7Race 8Top ratedTop 2 rated
BALLARATg42 1 3 1 -1 - 1 1 11 1 3 1 11 - 3. - 1- - 2. 2 -- - - 1. -1 1 1 1 12 2 - - -4  3  2  5.  46  4  3.  6.  0
GERALDTONg4- - - - -- - 3. - -- - - - -- - - 3. -1 3 1. 1 0- 3 2 2. 02 - 1 1 - 1  0  2.  2  -2  0  3.  3.  0
HAWKESBURYg4- - 3 - -1 1 1 2 11 3 - - -- - - - -1 1 - 2. 11 1 3 - 11 2 - - 0- - - - -5  3  1  0  35  4  1  2.  0
IPSWICHg4g33 2 3 - 0- - 3 - -1 2 - - 11 1 3 1 1- - - - -1 2 1 3. 1- 2 - - - 3  1  1  1  33  5  1  1  0
          Wrat  13  30Wrat  16  30
          Rday  10  26Rday no qual

Header: WMHER =  Wrat (W), Wmod (M), Whcp (H), Wexpk (E), Raceday (R).

For a full explanation of the table click: How to read the Wizard Ratings Results
