Wizard Ratings Report - Last week - Last Month - Last Year

Wizard Daily Report Monday, 4 November 2024

        * Wizard Ratings Report - Last week - Last Month- Last Year
        * Daily Wizard Freebie - Wizard Essentials Wrat4 Report for Ballarat
        * Wizard Ratings and Raceday Results for week ending November 4


Wizard Ratings Report - Last week - Last Month - Last Year

Today we report on how the original Wizard rating (Wrat) has performed over three time periods and report on the very significant results achieved by the new Wizard Raceday Report, which also selects one runner in each race. (Raceday brings into play each of the Wizards four rating options and early betting market action).

First, lets compare the results achieved by Wrat and Raceday since the latter was made available to subscribers in late August of this year. 
Over these past 10 weeks the Wrat strike rate has been right in the middle of its expected range at 26.0%. (Year on year Wrat has delivered a win strike rate between 25% and 27% of the 17,000 races Wizard rates annually.)

In this same period, the Raceday qualifier has delivered a win strike rate of 30.5%, which is a 17.3% improvement over the basic Wrat assessment.

The full head-to-head results for the past ten weeks:

week ending 4/11/24MonTueWedThuFriSatSunWeek
Wrat one top rated31.3%26.1%22.7%29.7%21.3%21.3%18.2%22.8%
Raceday - one qualifier33.3%27.3%39.5%37.1%31.8%22.5%28.2%29.1%
week ending 27/10/24MonTueWedThuFriSatSunWeek
Wrat one top rated36.4%22.6%15.8%43.3%15.9%25.9%25.4%25.1%
Raceday - one qualifier33.3%25.0%21.1%38.5%25.9%27.8%33.9%28.8%
week ending 20/10/24MonTueWedThuFriSatSunWeek
Wrat one top rated33.0%23.5%23.1%18.8%28.6%19.7%39.1%24.9%
Raceday - one qualifier40.0%26.7%22.2%26.7%36.2%22.9%44.4%29.2%
week ending 13/10/24MonTueWedThuFriSatSunWeek
Wrat one top rated22.0%30.4%36.1%44.7%28.6%24.3%30.6%29.5%
Raceday - one qualifier25.0%36.4%35.3%44.4%37.0%33.3%25.5%33.7%
week ending 6/10/24MonTueWedThuFriSatSunWeek
Wrat one top rated16.1%48.5%13.5%25.0%27.5%25.0%26.7%25.8%
Raceday - one qualifier31.0%36.4%20.0%25.0%22.9%26.5%28.6%26.8%
week ending 29/09/24MonTueWedThuFriSatSunWeek
Wrat one top rated30.0%48.3%22.2%36.7%8.5%24.7%32.8%27.4%
Raceday - one qualifier38.5%40.7%29.4%28.6%25.0%27.1%37.9%31.7%
week ending 22/09/24MonTueWedThuFriSatSunWeek
Wrat one top rated18.2%8.0%23.7%23.1%41.0%29.6%22.2%25.6%
Raceday - one qualifier18.2%16.7%31.6%24.0%38.2%33.0%31.9%30.0%
week ending 15/09/24MonTueWedThuFriSatSunWeek
Wrat one top rated50.0%33.5%32.0%33.3%27.3%20.2%25.8%28.1%
Raceday - one qualifier50.0%29.0%27.1%36.4%37.9%25.0%na30.5%
week ending 8/09/24MonTueWedThuFriSatSunWeek
Wrat one top rated12.5%36.4%20.0%22.0%15.6%29.8%25.6%24.7%
Raceday - one qualifier12.5%40.0%28.9%35.9%20.0%31.5%42.5%31.6%
week ending 1/09/24MonTueWedThuFriSatSunWeek
Wrat top rated33.0%22.0%28.2%19.4%25.6%26.2%29.3%26.4%
Raceday - one qualifier42.0%30.8%30.8%37.9%34.3%32.6%37.0%34.3%

We are so pleased with the success of the Raceday qualifier that this horse is to be highlighted in Wizard's new Magic Report when it also qualifies under the Magic criteria. This innovation should ensure final selection-making is streamlined as much as possible.

Click here for a full explanation of the Wizard Raceday Report.

Now, to provide an overview of how Wrat has performed short-term and long-term the following table is presented with a weekly, monthly, and yearly timeframe.

Wrat - Last weekResultsWin % Wrat - October 2024ResultsWin % Wrat 1/11/23 to 3/11/24ResultsWin %
Winner76 - 33123.0% Winner384 - 143626.7% Winner4405 - 1710425.8%
Winner in top 2135 -33140.8% Winner in top 2624 - 143643.5% Winner in top 27273 - 1710442.5%
Winner in top 4234 - 33170.7% Winner in top 41018 - 143670.9% Winner in top 411592 - 1710467.8%
Quinella top 244 - 33113.3% Quinella top 2156 - 143210.9% Quinella top 21818 - 1706610.7%
Quinella box 4151 - 33145.6% Quinella box 4608 - 143242.5% Quinella box 46775 - 1706639.7%
Exacta top 222 - 3316.6% Exacta top 290 - 14326.3% Exacta top 2971 - 170665.7%
Trifecta in order12 - 3303.6% Trifecta in order22 - 14301.5% Trifecta in order294 - 170061.7%
Trifecta box top 329 - 3308.8% Trifecta box top 398 - 14306.9% Trifecta box top 31244 - 170067.3%
Trifecta box top 479 - 33023.9% Trifecta box top 4279 - 143019.5% Trifecta box top 43329 - 1700619.6%

Again, the consistency of Wrat is self-evident. This proven ratings methodology is a really reliable tool for win or place betting, and all types of multiple/exotic betting.

Daily Wizard Freebie - Wizard Essentials Wrat4 Report for Ballarat

Each day The Wizard will publish on this page one of its Wizard reports or special features, either completely or a part thereof, and today the Wizard Freebie is Wizard Essentials Wrat4 report for Ballarat. All Wizard reports for this and the other meetings run today are now available to subscribers.

Click here for a full explanation of the Wizard Essentials report.


Wizard Ratings and Raceday Results for week ending November 3

For last week the daily and weekly results were:

Wrat one top rated31.3%26.1%22.7%29.7%21.3%21.3%18.2%22.8%
Wrat top-two rated43.8%43.5%36.4%48.6%40.4%39.3%38.6%40.5%
Raceday - one qualifier33.3%27.3%39.5%37.1%31.8%22.5%28.2%29.1%


A few of the more notable double-figure winners last week that were top rated on Wmod, Whcp, Wexpk and/or top-rated (Wrat-1) or rated second top (Wrat-2):

CourseDateRaceTabHorseTAB WinRating
TRARALGON2/11/2024815The Wizard King16.20WRat-1 & WMod & WHcp & WExPk
CourseDateRaceTabHorseTAB WinRating
TRARALGON2/11/2024815The Wizard King16.20WMod & WRat-1 & WHcp & WExPk
CourseDateRaceTabHorseTAB WinRating
TRARALGON2/11/2024815The Wizard King16.20WHcp & WRat-1 & WMod & WExPk
CourseDateRaceTabHorseTAB WinRating
TRARALGON2/11/2024815The Wizard King16.20WExpk & WRat-1 & WMod & WHcp
LAUNCESTON30/10/202464Geegee Jet By14.20WExpk


The following table shows where the winner of each race run yesterday was rated by Wrat, Wmod, Whcp, and Wexpk and in the Wizard Raceday Report. (Note: The Wrat winners include the top rated and second top-rated winners.) The Raceday reported winners under the Top Rated column are from those races where there is always only the one Raceday qualifier.

Sun 03.11.24 Race 1Race 2Race 3Race 4Race 5Race 6Race 7Race 8Race 9Top ratedTop 2 rated
INNISFAILg3- 3 3. - -1 1 3. 1. 12 - 2. - -- 3 2. 3. -- - - 1 -- - 1. - 1- 2 1. 2 1- 3 2 3. 0 1  1  2.  2.  32  2  5.  3.  0
MORNINGTONg4- - - - -3 - 3 3 -1 2 2 2 11 1 1 2 12 3 2 - -3 3 2 - -- - 2 - -- - - 2 -3 3 - - -2  1  1  0  23  2  5  3  0
MUSWELLBROOKg4g33 3 2 - -1 1 3 - 1- - - - -3 2 - - -2 2 2 1 -- 3 - - -1 1 - - 1  2  2  0  1  23  4  2  1  0
NARACOORTEg4g32 2 1. - -2 3 3 - 0- 2 3. 2 -2 2 - - -2 2 3 - -2 - - - -3 - - - -- - - 1 - 0  0  1.  1  -5  4  1.  2  0
NARROGINg3- - - - 01 1 1 2 1- 2 - - -- - 2 - -- - - - -3 - 1 1 0   1  1  2  1  11  2  3  2  0
NOWRAs52 1 - - 11 1 1. - 11 1 1 2 13 3. 1. - -- - - 1 -- - - - 0   2  3  3.  1  33  3  3.  2  0
           Wrat  8  44Wrat  17  44
           Rday  11  39Rday no qual

Header: WMHER = Wrat (W), Wmod (M), Whcp (H), Wexpk (E), Raceday (R).
For a full explanation of the table click: How to read the Wizard Ratings Results
