Daily Wizard Freebie - Wizard Essentials WRat4 report for Dubbo plus extras

Wizard Daily Report - Monday, 3 February 2025

  • Daily Wizard Freebie - Wizard Essentials WRat4 report for Dubbo
  • Wizard Ratings and Raceday Results for week ending February 2

 Daily Wizard Freebie - Wizard Essentials Wrat4 Report for Dubbo

Each day The Wizard will publish on this page one of its Wizard reports or special features, either completely or a part thereof, and today the Wizard Freebie is a Wizard Essentials WRat4 Report. All Wizard reports for this, and other meetings run today, are now available to subscribers.

 Click here for this full Explanation of the Essentials report.

 In addition to this Essentials WRat4 report there is also an Essentials Full-Field version available. Here is one race from that report for this meeting:

Using the extensive range of interactive options offered by the Wizard on everyrace.com it is possible to dive deep into the form history of an individual horse and the record of any jockey or trainer. Here are the Wizard stats for an apprentice jockey (Glenn Cahill) who is riding at Dubbo today. First screen shows his wins over the past 12 months in date order, then using the Wizard sort facility, listed by trainer, then listed by location, and finally by the WRat score of the runner in each race.

Note: In this report a WRat of zero meant that these meetings were either a non-tab meeting, and therefore was not rated by the Wizard, or the runner was a first time starter.


 Wizard Ratings and Raceday Results for week ending February 2

The full day-by-day results for Wizard (Wrat) top 4 rated runners, the Raceday Qualifier, and the Matrix (MaxR) 100 pointer for last week:

Wrat one top rated18.9%27.0%31.0%45.8%24.5%32.7%40.3%31.5%
Wrat top-two rated35.1%37.8%48.3%54.2%47.2%44.9%59.7%47.1%
Wrat top-three rated45.9%51.4%58.6%66.7%58.5%57.1%71.0%58.8%
Wrat top-four rated54.1%59.5%79.3%66.7%73.6%70.4%72.6%68.8%
Raceday - one qualifier18.2%31.3%40.0%47.8%29.2%33.3%39.3%33.5%
MatR - Matrix 10018.9%27.0%34.5%16.7%24.5%31.6%33.9%28.2%


A few of the more notable double-figure winners last week that were top rated on WMod, WHcp, WExpk and/or top-rated (WRat-1) or rated second top (WRat-2):


CourseDateRaceTabHorseTAB WinRating
LAUNCESTON2/02/202576Lord Whitegate17.00WRat-1
SUNSHINE COAST2/02/202574Central Park12.10WRat-2
CourseDateRaceTabHorseTAB WinRating
GOULBURN28/01/202541Friskee Frog15.40WMod
CourseDateRaceTabHorseTAB WinRating
MURWILLUMBAH2/02/202527Shoot The Diva17.90WHcp
SCONE30/01/202536Corpsman12.40WHcp & WExPk
CourseDateRaceTabHorseTAB WinRating
GATTON28/01/2025716Sir Beveridge118.70WExpk
MOONEE VALLEY31/01/202549Williamstown34.30WExpk
SUNSHINE COAST31/01/2025517Cracker Essgee18.00WExpk
ROCKHAMPTON30/01/202524Better Than Words17.40WExpk
SCONE30/01/202536Corpsman12.40WExpk & WHcp


The following table shows where the winner of each race run yesterday was rated by WRat, WMod, WHcp, and WExpk and was the qualifier in the Wizard Raceday Report. (Note: The Wrat [W] winner results report on both the top rated and top-two rated winners.) The Raceday Report winners under the Top Rated column are from those races where there was only one Raceday qualifier, and under the Top 2 Rated on the rare occasions where there were two qualifiers in a race. 

Sun 02.02.25 Race 1Race 2Race 3Race 4Race 5Race 6Race 7Race 8Race 9Race 10Top ratedTop 2 rated
BENALLAg4g31 1 1 3 1- - - - -        1  1  1  0  11  1  1  0  0
BUNBURYg41 1 1 1 12 2 - 2 01 3 2 2. 11 1 - - 12 1 3. 1 -- 3 - - -2 3 2 - -1 1 1 - 11 - 1 1. -1 1 1 1. 16  5  4  4.  59  6  6  6.  0
LAUNCESTONs5- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -1 1 3. - 13 1 3 - 11 1 1 1 11 3. - - -- - 3. - 01 2 - - - 4  3  1  1  34  4  1  1  0
MT GAMBIERg41 3 2 - 0- - - - -1 2 1 1 12 3 1 - -2 - 3 - -3 - 1. 1 0- - - - -   2  0  3.  2  14  1  4.  2  0
MURWILLUMBAHg41 2 1 - 13 - 1. - -1 3 - 1 12 3 - - -- - - - -1 2 1 - 12 1 - - -   3  1  3.  1  35  3  3.  1  0
PIONEER PARKg- 3 3. - -1 1 1 2 12 2 2 - -1 1 2 - 1      2  2  1  0  23  3  3  1  0
SALEg4g31 1 1 2 1- - - - -2 1 3 1 11 1 1 - 1- - - - -3 3 1. 3. -3 2 2 - -1 1 - - -  3  4  3.  1  34  5  4.  2  0
SAPPHIRE COASTg42 - 3 - -1 2 - 1 1- 3 - - -- - - - -1 1 1. 2 1- - - - -- - - - 03 3 2 - -  2  1  1.  1  23  2  2.  2  0
SUNSHINE COASTg41 2 1 - 13 - 3 1 -1 1 3. - 1- - - 2. -- - - - -2 2 2 3. -2 - - 3. 0   2  1  1  1  24  3  2  2.  0
            Wrat  25  62Wrat  37  62
            Rday  22  56Rday no qual

 Header: WMHER = WRat (W), WMod (M), WHcp (H), WExpk (E), Raceday (R).

For a full explanation of the table click: How to read the Wizard Ratings Results

